Sep 13, 2009
Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
I usually go for the mass market paperback, but if it's a book i really2 want (eg Harry Potter), i'd buy the hardback. Not sure what's trade paperback though.. ;p
Waterstones, Borders or Amazon? or MPH, Kinokuniya, Times or Popular?
I used to love going into Waterstones back when i was in the UK. But they were a little pricey, but loved the atmosphere there anyway. I like Borders (The Curve - havent been to any of the other branches). MPH works too. hehe.. But Popular depends.. I havent been to Popular for quite some time, but recently i've been going to Popular coz MPH doesnt have the book that i wanted. Definitely worth checking out. I dont go to Times, mainly coz there's no branch nearby to me. Same goes for Kino, but somehow, i like Kino more than Times.. hehe..
Bookmark or dog-ear?
Sometimes bookmarks, but never, never dog-ear'ed my books.. it's a no, no for me..
Amazon or bricks-and-mortar?
I havent managed to go into the whole online bookstore thingy. I rather take the time to go over to the store to find what i'm looking for. Where i'd end up buying other than the book i was looking for in the first place.. haha..
Alphabetize by author, or alphabetize by title, or random?
Random, by size. Unless they are part of a series or by the same author, they stick together, but not alphabetized at all.
Keep, throw away, or sell?
Forever keeping. I havent managed to find a way to sell any even when i dont want them anymore.. :(
Keep dust jacket or toss it?
Keep. Why would you want to throw out the cover?
Short story or novel?
Novels. I'd read short stories, but i prefer a full length novel.
Buy or borrow?
I borrow when i can, which is not much. So i end up buying most of the time, causing my pocket to cry endlessly....
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations, or browse?
I normally go by browsing, but since i've join Goodreads and reading loads on Book Blogs online, i've been buying a lot of books based on recommendation from Goodreads and book reviews that i find via various blogs. and my tbr list has been growing exponentially since then.. haha.. too many book, to little time.. ;p
Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Both. I love to have a closure, tidy endings. But there is something to be said about cliffhangers. It allows you to make your own theory on how the story ends. and have potential follow ups...
Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
That's difficult to answer.. haha.. i read at any time.. i guess i dont really do afternoon reading..i can do morning, but mostly bedtime reading. which with a good book, end up with me not getting any sleep at all.. ;p
Stand-alone or series?
I love both. I've answered this as part of Musing Monday questions.
Favorite series?
Harry Potter, Nora Roberts trilogies, Twilight saga
Favourite children’s book?
Anything by Enid Blyton, Neverending Story, Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys series.. etc..
Favourite YA book?
Harry Potter, Twilight saga, Vampire Academy
Favourite book of which nobody else has heard of?
The Adriana series, which i totally cant recall the name of the book... it's all about ballet, which i'm surprised no one seems to have heard of..
Favourite books of all time?
Harry Potter, Time Traveller's Wife, etc
Favourite book to recommend to an 11-year-old?
Err not sure..
What are you reading right now?
Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak and Hari Pertama di alam kubur
What are you reading next?I just got myself some new books - My Sister's Keeper, The Book Thief and The Last Summer (of you and me)...
Labels: Quiz n Meme
I read My Sister's Keeper a few years ago. If you like Jodi Picoult, this won't disappoint you.
I love Waterstones too. They've got such an old-fashioned feel to it but, yeah, they are a little pricey. In Cardiff, the Borders is two shops down to Waterstones so I usually end up buying there instead. :)
I do miss going to places like Waterstones, you don't find that old-fashioned feel in any of the other bookstores.. hehe..