Dec 31, 2010
Ah.. it's finally here.. the last day of 2010.. let's do some recap, shall we?
The Bad
Hmm.. where should i start? For 1 thing, i have yet to meet my kpi to ending my single life. and doesnt seem to be progressing at all either. But you never know, that happiness might be just around the corner. So i'll keep hoping & wishing...
As for work.. i have moved on to a new role, supporting 2 countries and 3 businesses. I am still struggling with the work & handling my new (& weak) staff. For the first time in my life, i've actually left office at 4am in the morning & for a few days in a row. and that has been going on for a few months now. we've started year end closing & i am trying really hard here to stay sane, to proceed with the work regardless. it's a losing battle & i dont know for how long i can sustain this.
i'm also reporting to a new bos, who although are not mean like a certain someone i've reported to before, but coz he's trying to prove himself as the new staff & who is also someone who is "lurus bendul" to the point of annoyance but doesnt help as much.. sigh.. sure some of the things that you wanted are "nice to have, but not easy to do".. what's the point of killing your staff, just to prove a point? do you even understand what is it that we try to tell you? *he has a tendency to hear what he wants only*. personally, i cannot stand such a person, who pushes you (of course, he doesnt shout or such la), or stand behind you the whole day watching what you do.. it just adds up to my stress level & i'm one of those who cannot work under such duress circumstances.. sigh.. doesnt help that i managed to get the worst laptop in the world & the company has absolutely no intention of replacing it. which makes working from home another nightmare to go through..
What else? work alone was already a nightmare, so cant think of anything else.
The Good
Now comes the fun part.. 2010 is the year of great interests. I have met so many lovely new faces due to me embracing my love/hobbies.
Goodreads Malaysia
I have finally met so many likeminded folks here, i couldnt imagine how it was before i join GRs.. hehe.. this year, we managed to meet up for a couple of times so we finally have a face to the names (nicknames) that i knew.
Kim Hyun Joong, SS501 & Kdrama/Kpop
I never knew i could fall this hard. I've watched korean drama before & loved them. Found a couple of Kpop songs that i couldnt get out of my head. But nothing like this. After i found BOF, i fell for KHJ and started searching about this guy.
From there on, i became a TripleS, the fanclub dedicates to loving these SS501 boys..
I even started using TheFaceShop products, participated in TFS Hyun Joong's FanMeet & saw him, although not upclose, still. he was physically in front of me. Looking sooo tall & thin, but lovely all the same. *swoon*. [Btw, i've never been a fangirl before, never had waited for hours just to see the guy for less than an hour.. sigh, but it was worth it..]
Because of him also, i've met many new friends over twitter/at fanmeet & renewed some existing friendship based on our love for ss501 or kpop or kdrama.. i never had so much fun before.. ^_^
I've followed HJ's Playful Kiss, both online & YT version. Read the blogs and reviews from fans, anticipating the next episode. devouring Seung Jo's diary, released soon after. Fun, fun, fun!
I've also started getting hooked on KBS world, watching dramas like SKKS, Kim Tak Gu.. laughing through variety shows like Happy Together.. not forgetting MusicBank and such, checking the latest kpop band like SHINee, 2pm etc.
I started on twitter as my GRMY folks became active, as well as to follow my favourite ss501's boys. Here, i met many other TS and followed many interesting tweeters out there. I've learned of the trending frenzy sessions & played games arranged by triple Ss like picspam, whatif, etc. I'm also unfortunately addicted to it & resorting to checking my phone every 10 minutes.. haha..
Iphone & ereader
I finally caved in & bought these gadgets after drooling over them for months. And i have not looked back since. Total satisfaction!!
I've also caved into one of my other love, baking! Bought myself a breadmaker & tried out a few recipes. Yummeh.. i've yet to try out a more elaborate recipes, but no worries. soon!
Dec 30, 2010
I did say before that i hate my job right? Well, this is no longer 'no mood' to work.. I have absolute no feelings at all..... sigh...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Oh man.. i missed my obligatory birthday posting this year.. aigoo..
i thot i'd be able to leave office early, give myself a couple of hours break.. sigh.. i dropped by the shop to buy myself a cake, but barely reached home when IT called me to do work. My oh-so-crap laptop decides to go haywire on me today, so took a few hours just to settle that. by the time that is settle, then only can start work (in midst of network glitches & sloooooww excel/system).. i cant think already & it's barely12.. adeh.. aku belasah je la ek.. any problems i'll raise another ticket for it..
err.. i was supposed to be talking about my bday right? whatever la.. as it i had anything planned right? or having someone like HJ to cook me pineaple fried rice.. i'll meet him one day, i hope.. ahaks.. or meet my own personal-KHJ who will be all mine.. heheh.. insya allah..
Labels: personal
Dec 5, 2010
so what if i'm alone?
so what if i cant even get a date?
so what if i have no family?
is it my fault if guys these days are so immatured?
is it my fault if guys these days are so stupid sometimes?
is it my fault if guys these days are such a coward?
is it my fault if guys these days cant be bothered to make the move?
fine. blame me if it makes u happy.
blame me - i made no effort to get to know u
blame me - i did "friend" u in FB but i didnt answer any of your "unasked" question.
blame me - i am too tall for your taste
blame me - i am too old for you
blame me - your grandparents dont like me
blame me - u dont like me
apa lagi nak?
@TheLoveStories You love them not because they have pretty faces, but because they have beautiful hearts. -@TIFFANYWILLIAM #TLS
Nov 30, 2010
Life is tough and the only thing you have to prove is that you could be as solid as a rock
- Claudia Z @TheLoveStories
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Nov 28, 2010
i realised that one of the reason i'm having so much trouble with my work right now is because..
i cannot stand being pressure or forced to do something. yes, i'm weird that way, but i cant help how i feel.
It's not like i cannot/will not listen to others etc. if you tell me to do it, i will. if you ask me, i will. but i just hate being forced to do something. and i hate people who "hovers" over me. to control me. i absolutely hate it.
once during my stay at a boarding school in UK, the housemistress suddenly knocked on my door one early morning on a monday. out of the blue, she told me to clean the kitchen before i leave for school. (the house in within the school compound, but not part of the school. we have to walk across the pathway to go to our classes). i was so surprised, i didnt say a word. she said that the girl who was on duty (who is of course one of her favourite) came back late the nite before & was too tired to perform her duty. i know for a fact that she doesnt like me nor the other Malaysian students, so she does have a habit of picking faults with us over nothing. once i got over my surprise, i was so bengang, i just left for school without even peeking into the kitchen. lantak ko la. budak tuh tak buat, apsal pulak aku kena cover untuk dia. before2 that kalau orang lain tak buat, takde pulak nak suruh2 orang lain cover. so i buat tak tau aje la..
Another episode was during one of our many "parties" at the house. One of my school rules was no pants. we didnt have uniforms but we have to wear skirts to classes. so the dresscode for that nite was to wear skirts. i cant remember exactly but i think we had some parents over for that cheese&wine party. anyway, us malaysian girls were just so excited being in a party, we came out with all our "fancy" baju kurungs. ntah apsal harituh kami nak sangat pakai baju kurung. i guess we were being too noisy/excited la kot, tiba2 that housemistress of ours told us that we are NOT allowed to wear baju kurung. saja2 je. i dont know what came over me, but i was so bengang, i went ahead and wore my plain blue kebaya (no designs whatsoever) with the argument that that nite's dresscode was to wear skirt & my kebaya has a skirt. we had a huge row right in the middle of the living room so i stormed off & sulked in my room the rest of the nite. apparently that story really went around, coz the next day, the cleaners (who was always pretty nice to us), told me quietly that they totally agree with my actions & that the housemistress was just being difficult. also that they absolutely love our malaysian's national dresses... hehe, tak sangka pula ada supporters kan..
i've known this one guy. he called me one time, at work, at 3pm. i was in a meeting, so i picked up the phone & told him i'm busy. he had the audacity to be mad at me & saying i was trying to avoid his call. duh. if i was, i wouldnt have answered in the first place. it's not like you're my bf or husband. you're just a friend of my friend. we're not even friends. i never answered his calls anymore after that.
another guy i met, also a friend of my friend, called me at the office. i guess i wasnt at my place, at surau or something i supposed, so i didnt answer his call. he called later in the day, being so pissed off that i didnt answer my phone and was bugging me about where i was that i couldnt answer the phone. err, who are you to me that i cannot miss your call? and what is it to you where i was? adoi.. even my parents dont bug me like that tau. (of course, if it was after dark, they will insist to know where i am that point, esp if i dont answer the house phone).. and yes, i didnt talk to the guy anymore after that. he also never did call me (until like 4-5 months later, which i cant remember whether i answered.. haha.. )
so, now that we've established that i am a freak.. can someone tell me how la to handle this? i cant exactly run away from work. or turn away like i've done before. i dont get angry, really angry, very often. but when i do, i can seriously ikut hati. i can walk away from people & never turn back. i can be a timebomb in such cases. which is why i dont get them often. tapi bila dah marah, i cannot let it go. tak boleh nak pandang kat orang/benda yang membuatkan kita marah.
Labels: Ramblings
Nov 24, 2010
Yesterday i had flu almost the whole day (was really acting up in the afternoon though) & feeling slightly feverish, plus headache. My carpool-buddy had adviced me last nite to take the day off & totally ignore any calls from the office. This morning when i woke up, was feeling better, although a slightly heavy head. However I decided to follow her advice anyway & took the day off (although i did check the email in the morning on my staff's behalf coz he's in training for the day).
After a late breakfast in the morning & washing the clothes, i resorted to my korean drama & books and totally ignored the screaming in my head about my work. It's 2pm now & i realised that i really needed the break from the office. Even though i just came back from Raya Korban leave last week, i was working for 2 out of my 3-day break. plus was worrying over work during the weekend (even if i didnt login at all it was still looming over my head).
You can call me irresponsible or lazy to skip work like this, but i was getting too stressed over work & i'm one of those who cant handle it. I guess my stress level is probably different than others, but regardless, when i'm stress, my instict is to not want to do it & run away. I dont really see a way at the moment how to overcome this, but i probably just need to tell off these people & say that i have my limits & that if you dont like, tough. go get another person to do it then. either that or i will totally blow up or go insane (not literally of course).
sigh.. i really need to curb this feeling of wanting to run away when problem comes. i am so not cut out for this rat race & over-competition lifestyle. i'm much more of a loner, who prefers her books & puzzles to fanning some people's backside. sooo not me okay.. i have no time nor patience to bother about meeting other people's expectation or climbing some corporate ladder. i work coz i like to work. but not for people nor money nor glory whatnots.. like what Yeorim from Sungkhunkwan Scandal likes to say: "I'm no one's man. I'll stay only if you can keep me entertained."
p/s: i got an early birthday present. A water bottle that says:
how apt. But it also says:"STRESSED.ANGRY.MAD.Deal with it"
take it easyso this is what i'm doing now, writing down my own "upset journal".......
1. take a deep breath
2. write down your feeling
ada la lagi, tapi tak berkaitan.. hehe..
Labels: Ramblings
There are 4 types of Jobs: 1. Good for you and good for other people... (the best)... 2. Bad for you but good for other people... 3. Good for you but bad for other people... 4. Bad for you and bad for other people.... A lot of people are stuck in a job no.2. The best think is to change those jobs to become no.1 so that it's good for you and for other people.... - Tony Robbins.
Nov 23, 2010
Sometimes u have to stop chasing what u want,so that u can think again whether u REALLY want it or it was just a temporary fascination
p/s: he may not be a DR, he doesnt have to be one to tell facts/quotes that has meaning.. although i still dont agree with the fact that he dared call himself dr in the first place. if you're familiar with the education world (at least i think i do, both my parents are in the business), wouldnt have believed it anyway..
Labels: Quotable Quotes
Nov 22, 2010
Make Me Strong by Sami Yusuf
I know I'm waiting (Aku tahu aku sedang menunggu)
Waiting for something (Sedang menunggu sesuatu)
Something to happen to me (Sesuatu untuk berlaku kepada diriku)
But this waiting comes with (Tetapi bersama penantian ini)
Trials and challenges (Cubaan dan cabaran)
Nothing in life is free (Tiada yang percuma di dalam hidup ini)
I wish that somehow (Namun aku berharap)
You'd tell me out aloud (Engkau akan beritahu aku sekuat-kuatnya)
That on that day I'll be ok (Yang aku akan ok pada ketika itu)
But we'll never know cause (Tetapi kita tidak akan tahu, kerana)
That's not the way it works (Kebiasaannya bukanlah begitu)
Help me find my way (Bantulah aku menemui caraku)
My Lord show me right from wrong (Tuhanku tunjukkanlah aku yang benar dari yang salah)
Give me light make me strong (Berikanlah aku cahaya, jadikanlah aku seorang yang tabah)
I know the road is long (Aku tahu perjalanan ini panjang)
Make me strong (Jadikanlah aku seorang yang tabah)
Sometimes it just gets too much (Kadangkala terlalu banyak yang aku perlu tempuhi)
I feel that I've lost touch (Aku rasa aku telah kehilangan sentuhan)
I know the road is long (Aku tahu perjalanan ini panjang)
Make me strong (Jadikanlah aku seorang yang tabah)
I know I'm waiting (Aku tahu aku sedang menunggu)
Yearning for something (Mengharapkan sesuatu)
Something known only to me (Sesuatu yang hanya aku tahu)
This waiting comes with (Bersama penantian ini)
Trials and challenges (Cubaan dan cabaran)
Life is one mystery (Kehidupan adalah satu misteri)
I wish that somehow (Namun aku berharap)
You'd tell me out aloud (Engkau beritahu aku sekuat-kuatnya)
That on that day you'll forgive me (Yang Engkau akan memaafkan aku ketika itu)
But we'll never know cause (Tetapi kita tidak akan tahu, kerana)
That's not the way it works (Kebiasaannya bukanlah begitu)
I beg for your mercy (Aku mohon kasih sayang-Mu)
My Lord show me right from wrong (Tuhanku tunjukkanlah aku yang benar dari yang salah)
Give me light make me strong (Berikanlah aku cahaya, jadikanlah aku seorang yang tabah)
I know the road is long (Aku tahu perjalanan ini panjang)
Make me strong (Jadikanlah aku seorang yang tabah)
Sometimes it just gets too much (Kadangkala terlalu banyak yang aku perlu tempuhi)
I feel that I've lost touch (Aku rasa aku telah kehilangan sentuhan)
I know the road is long (Aku tahu perjalanan ini panjang)
Make me strong (Jadikanlah aku seorang yang tabah)
- Artikel
Labels: Music n Lyric, religious
Nov 21, 2010
Actually, i'm not sure what is it i want out of life..
i know that:
- i dont exactly want to be a housewife or a teacher..
- i dont want a job that makes me work til 4am in the morning or til midnight. sekali sekala is one thing, but every month is a bit too much
- i dont think i can last working in the government sector. i would definitely die of boredom
- i dont mind working with numbers & excels, but i am so phobic with reporting/closing activities right now
- i dont mind doing analysis work. i'm good, but not that great
- i dont mind if it includes travelling, but if i do get married, not too sure how that will be a factor. oh ya btw, if you make me travel, dont la make me do the jobs at the office as well during my travel. tak sempat2 tau nak cover semua benda.
- i do plan to get married at some point of time, so i dont plan to chain myself at work all nite, weekends and public hols
- i want to at least be able to take leave or be on mc, without being chased for something or the other. Ini, cuti 3 hari tapi keje for 2 out of that 3 days.. macam la the company nak lingkup kalau i takde for a few days
- i'm not that great a leader. i can teach/tell you what/how to do but dont expect me to hold your hand all the time. i'm no good at detailed, nitty gritty work, i get lost. (which is why i am dying doing closing work, it's too detailed for my brains sob sob)
- i would love to do "think out of the box" type stuffs, but then again, you have to give me the time to think. if my to-do list is longer than 1 page & can never be finished-type, then dont expect me to come out with fantastic ideas & such.
- it's not so much the money that i'd chase (but you do have to pay me you know.. including bonuses) but the satisfaction of a job well done. ini sebabkan nak kejar semua benda, buat yang mana sempat aje & asal siap aje... seems like no meaning to it. all superficially done.
is there such job that could cater to my wishes? hmmm.. i wonder..
p/s: Joining this rat-race life is no fun. What do you get out of it? As per saying by my colleage's elder - "Keje apa la ni? Keluar pagi, balik malam. Tak juga kaya! Kaya lagi aku yang duduk rumah ni"...
Labels: Ramblings
I wanna go traveling.
I miss traveling.
I wish I can find a job that allows me to take time to go traveling.
In my current, I have annual leave but I can barely take any. In fact, I'm working on most public holidays.
My wishlist:
- seoul ( I want to meet Hyun Joong & SS501 specifically hehe)
- New zealand
- greece
- morocco
- Austria
- japan
I dont mind revisiting some of these places either:
- uk
- france
- usa
- holland
Like i said.. Its a wishlist..
Nov 18, 2010
How to makes yourself love something That you dont?
How do you convince yourself That this is just a learning curve? That you will master IT someday?
How continue on when IT is the last thing That you want to Look at or think about?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Nov 16, 2010
Salam Aidiladha buat semua Umat islam di luar Sana...
Buat yang mengerjakan haji tahun Ini, semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur. Esp for MdmKS's hubby & FIL, and my colleague, Farah. Insya Allah..
Sigh.. performance baik pun tak cukup, performance bad lagi la.. adoi..
aku tak larat la nak layan..
keje nye tak kisah la sangat..
tapi admin part, layan orang part..
bos nya lagi, "client" nya lagi..
aku tak suka la..
Sangat tak rajin nak buat/layan benda2 mengarut ni..
bab2 orang paling tak suka..
why else would i be the loner that i am?
Added: my mum says don't be like the typical malais. Can't take a little challenge. Already looking for way out.
How little a challenge is considered little? At what point do you decide to struggle through, and when to call it a day? It's a very fine line between giving up & accepting that you can't. Which I'm no expert of course..
Labels: Ramblings
Nov 15, 2010
"if something doesnt work, change it"..
Saw this quote on the wall.
So what i'm doing now doesn't work, so what do I change? My profession? Hmmm...
P/s: I did create this blog as a place to "lepas geram", so kindly ignore all these nonsensical posts, for the past few mth & any upcoming ones.. Tq.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Nov 11, 2010
Nov 10, 2010
I was thinkin' about ya
I drew a little picture
But some things you can't put on paper
Like ya like shooting stars
Or write songs on guitar
Got more things to do than stare at a mirror
And I know I know,
She's gotta be out there, out there
I know, I know, she's gotta be
Maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm right
Maybe I'll just let you walk by
What can I say, maybe I've known you all my life
Is she the one, is it today
Will I turn the corner, see my future
In a beautiful face
She's anything but typical
A sweet suprise
No matter what she's looking at the brightside
It's gonna be worth it
Cos that's what love it's
I'll keep searching for my kind of perfect!
And I know, I know, she's gotta be out there, out there
I know I know, she's gotta be.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, maybe I just let you walk by
What can I say, maybe I've known you all my life
Is she the one, is it today
Will I turn the corner, see my future, in a beautiful face
They say, give it time, give it time and it will fall in line
But I keep wondering how and when and why I haven't met you...
But maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right
Is she the one is it today
Will I turn the corner
See my future, in a beautiful face
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right
Maybe I just let you walk by
What can I say
Maybe I've known you all my life
Is she the one, is it today
Will I turn the corner, see my future
In a beautiful face
Maybe ohh maybe yeah
I'll keep searching for my kind of perfect.
~David Archuleta~
P/s: the song is so-so, but loved the lyrics...
Labels: Music n Lyric
Nov 9, 2010
Some of my god-knows-when-i'll-achieve-it deams:
- To open up a bookstore ala Meg Ryan's You've Got Mail's Shop around the corner. Including a wicked cafe, selling oh-so-yummy pastries & coffee ala Nora Robert's Three Sister Island Bookstore (chewah..)
- To write a (bestseller) book.. or at least something that someone might actually read.. hehhe..
- To be someone who gets paid to read books or buy books.. ooo..wont that be nice?
- To get paid to travel... in style of course.. *stars in my eyes*..
Is it just a dream? To tell the truth, i'm not that rajin to open up a business. Got to have the effort. but then again, rather than i slave myself over my current work. For at least a week per month, i have to stay late. and i mean late. I left office at 1am yesterday. In fact i didnt go home. My colleague bugged me to follow her home instead of driving back all the way home. Dont even ask what i wore to office today :( Last month, i was at the office til 3am++. for i think it was for 3 days, maybe 4.. baloi kah keje ku ini? And i still havent finished my work. sigh..
Call me a lazybum, a slacker.. but "Life is to be enjoyed, not endured" says Gordon B. Hinckley (whoever he is..).
Labels: Ramblings
Nov 6, 2010
"You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid monotonous work, chances are you'll end up boring, stupid and monotonous. Work is a much better explanation for the creeping cretinization all around us than even such significant moronizing mechanisms as television and education."
— Bob Black (Abolition of Work and Other Essays)
Now i know why i'm such a bore.. hehe..
Labels: Quotable Quotes, Ramblings
Nov 4, 2010
If you had to choose between brains or wealth,
which one would you choose?
If you had to choose between title or non-titled,
which one would you choose?
If you had to choose between a stranger and an old friend,
which one would you choose?
Does it matter?
It all falls back to fate (jodoh), right?
p/s: I dont mind to "bercinta lepas kahwin" (love after marriage) like Baek Seung Jo & Oh Ha Ni.. heheh...they're so sweet..
Labels: personal, Ramblings, relationship
Nov 2, 2010
one of my weakness is..
if there's something that i dont like, i wont do it..
or there's something that i dont like to eat, i wont eat it.
which can be a bad thing.. especially when it comes to work.
it's not that i dont like my job.
but i dont like the things that i'm doing now.
so it makes me learn that much slower.
so it makes me work that much slower.
so it makes me find ways to not do work.
even when it's piling up.
even when it's overflowing.
and i get tired and bored that much easily.
you know how they say that if you like what you're doing,
you dont have to work a day in your life?
then yes, i'm working everyday.
and weekends too when i cant avoid it.
i'm soooo going to get in trouble one of these days.
how now? :(
Oct 22, 2010
It's not like i have anything against you.
I really dont have any bad feelings about you.
Even if you did get married.
But now that you're back in KL..
If we met by chance, of course i will say hi to you.
What exactly are you expecting from me?
For me to meet up with you?
For me to chat with you?
For me to be your friend?
What about your wife? your son?
Be friends with you & your wife?
But you havent brought up your wife at all.
I really dont get you.
Maybe you should leave me alone.
And not stir up old memories.
Labels: personal, Ramblings, relationship
Sep 15, 2010
here are some of the dont's that you really should observe during raya (or any gathering for that matter):
- if you came in 10s and 20s, please la do not seat yourself at the 6-seater table. Others wants to eat also, not have your leftovers. Do it buffet style instead la.
- if you came early to the host's house, please3x do NOT finish the food, before the other guests have arrived. even if it is your favorite food. you dont know if the hosts have any second serving of it. nanti tuan rumah nak jamu apa kat tetamu dia.. ish, buruk betul perangai..
Sep 14, 2010
Bukan nak ngata.. Tapi heran la jugak... Skrg dah bulan9, nak kawin bulan depan..
- duit hantaran still2k short
- rumah nak kawin (kenduri in dec) still tak siap2 lagi
- korang nak sediakan a second set of hantaran.. Da first dah kasi masa tunang harituh tak cukup lagi ka?
The groom dah la can barely pay for his own bike, the girl pulak (altho mmg la baik budaknya) is just a student.. Family pun duduk rumah flat je.. Baloi ke nak demand hantaran sampai 8k? Nasib baik my auntie dah sediakan cincin emas utk anak dia sebelum meninggal.. Kot tak terbeli. Dah tuh, belah perempuan mula2 nak suruh tambah rantai on top of everything? Good thing u changed ur mind..
Either korang tak reti nak budget Or expecting orang lain nak tolong hulur.. Untuk kenduri korang.. Nak buat biarlah ukur baju kat badan sendiri.. Nak tunjuk kat sapa?
P/s: mujur bukan my wedding.. But kitorg yg family terdekat, terasa kesian la jugak.. Pressure pun ada, karang x pasal2 nak kena tanggung wedding orang, sedangkan bincangnya idak.. Isy, kacau betul..
It's easy to place a blame,
but hard to mend a relationship.
It's easy to give up,
but hard to make it work..
Face it, you both have made errors. After all you're but a human.. Tapi patutnya yg muda minta maaf pada yg lagi tua.. Yg anak minta maaf pada ibu..after all, if it's for the greater good, why not? It's only your soul at stake, isnt it?
Sep 10, 2010
Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin atas segala-galanya. Moga2 ibadat kita diterima Allah dan marilah kita bergembira & bermaaf-maafan.
P/s: fuyoo abang balik raya kali ni!! *amazed but sad that it has come to this... *
Aug 16, 2010
I'm in one of my moods again.. i'm looking at my screen, but cant seem to concentrate.. I do get them once in a while, but more so now, especially since i got involved in monthly closing.. it's like, during closing (abt 2 weeks), i'm so darn busy.. but after closing, it's more on catch-up work & meetings. So, just finished closing last Wed & other reports on thu/fri.. today, i cant seem to start on any work :(
Terasa cam mood swing or something.. adeh..
P/s: dah ler last thu, doc tetiba lak said i might have chicken pox.. heart attack jap.. i already had the jap ages ago though.. after sweating over it during the weekend, my conclusion is, i have no fever & there's no new "pox", therefore, i dont have chicken pox, just irritating rashes.. :p
Labels: Ramblings
Aug 10, 2010
Aug 1, 2010
Labels: Movie n Tv stuffs
Jul 27, 2010
Labels: Movie n Tv stuffs
Jul 26, 2010
From Shinlang (Husband) to Buin (Wife):
"She hates being cute, so don't make her act cute..
She's a good cook, but...don't make her cook too much..
She finds it bothersome.
And don't lie to her..
Phone her more than twice a day..
And you must never talk about the first love..
And make lots of money so she doesn't have to work the events..
and diligently deposit paycheck every she won't have to go on different shows anymore..
Anyway... Even if i dont say it..
Please be good to her! Be good to her no matter what..
Don't come to Jeju Island for the honeymoon though.. She'll think of me...
So for the next husband, this will be a place he wont need to come..
To be honest..i didnt show it but inside my heart i feel that
You helped me a lot...
When i was having difficult times, you really helped me....
but outside of my friends, nobody knew me.. What kind of a person I am..
But I think Buin knows..
But you really changed me a lot..
I have always wanted to tell you this..
You should be happy to know.. that Buin will be the last woman I'll do mountain hiking with.."
From Buin to Shinlang:
"HyunJoong is...
He's a kid who loves to please keep losing to him..
But you can't make it obvious that you're losing to him..
You have to make it seem like you tried really hard but lost..
He can't wake up if you tickle him, he wakes up well..
He hates mushy don't expect too much...

I think Tuesdays will seem really empty from now on..
If we have work on something else on Tuesdays..
that feels really sad.
If I think like nothing had happened...
It would feel so empty..I think I'll feel like there's a hole in my daily life..
Don't focus on that..
Don't pay attention to that..
Concentrate on the work you're doing..
Buin's bad qualities from Shinlang :
"I'll tell you Hwang Buin's bad quality...
You're not even strong....and you pretend that you are..
You pretend you're strong..and cry by herself in the background..
I don't think that's necessary.
I'm just saying that people don't just see Hwang Buin being strong..and I'm not saying you should pretend to be feminine...
know this from being around you...
and you're not strong at all....
So.. don't pretend to be strong...and laugh when you want.. and be sad when you're sad..
I just wish you wouldn't try so hard to look so strong.
When you meet someone nice next time...
Go right ahead and ask him for mushy things like stars from the sky.."
At the end..
They shouted out at the peak
Hyun Joong :
"Hwang Buin!!
Whenever things are hard..
Remember the hard times on Mount Halla..
After hard times.. there will be laughter too..
I hope you'll always remember that...
Be happy~!!"
Buin :
"Hubby~!!Thank you...
and sorry....
That's it.."
Black room interview:
[To: the fans who have given love..]
I'm Hwang Buin of the Lettuce couple..
I think we... lived a happy and beautiful life, thanks to your support..
I'm sure you know.. but we're a couple that's not good at expressing ourselves..
Please don't be disappointed..
In our hearts, we're really really thankful..
Don't just be envious, watching us...
I hope you get married and have a happy marriage like us too..
Everyone... Please be happy...And thank you..
Sunday Sunday Night's We Got Married's viewers I'd like to thank..
First... for us, the Lettuce couple...
I was happy for all the interest and participation..
I think we were able to have a happy marriage, thanks to everyone..
Hwangbo Hyejung.... Wife...
Please give her lots of support in the future too..
I love you...

Labels: Movie n Tv stuffs
Jul 25, 2010


Labels: Movie n Tv stuffs
Jul 22, 2010
I hate my job! :( ... Opps, i mean i hate my project.. Ntah pa per la suruh org buat , but u guys already decided what outcome u wanted.. Then why did u bother with it? Menyemak jer.. :(
Jul 18, 2010






Labels: Movie n Tv stuffs, reading
Jul 6, 2010
What are you currently reading? Would you recommend it to others? Is it part of a series (if so, which one)? What are you thinking about it? What book(s) would you compare it to, if any?



Labels: Musing Monday, reading
Jun 28, 2010
What do you think of books that receive a lot of hype? (think of the “Twilight” saga, or “Harry Potter”, or “The Da Vinci Code”). Do you read them? Why, or why not?
Some of these books are actually pretty good... but so far that i've encountered (& not many at that so i could be a little bias), are well.. not the greatest really.. chances are, i would want to see for myself what makes so & so books "hype"-ful, so yes, i would probably read them & then make up my mind about it..
However, i did read the Twilight saga, Harry Potter & Da Vince Code way before it got huge.. i really liked these books, but not obsessed.. And i have seen how obsessed some people are (for Twillight).. *shake head*...
Labels: Musing Monday, reading
Jun 22, 2010
1. mopping
2. ironing
3. vacuuming
4. dusting
5. cleaning up my cupboard
6. exercising
7. cutting my overgrown grass
8. cooking
9. baking
10. filing
11. meeting friends
12. sleeping on time
13. catching up with work
Jun 15, 2010
Tepat seminggu selepas Mak Uda meninggal, Mak Tam pula menyusul. Mak Tam kembali ke rahmatullah pada pukul 4.20 pm, dikelilingi adik-beradik & saudara mara. Buat Pak Tam & sepupuku, banyak2 kan lah bersabar & berdoa buat Mak Tam. Semoga roh nya dicucuri rahmat. Buat Wan Chu, tabahkan diri atas kehilangan kedua2 orang kakak sekaligus. Allah lebih menyayangi mereka.
Labels: personal
Jun 13, 2010
"You can turn a smart person into an idiot just by overworking him.. "notes Peter Capelli, a professor of management at Wharton.
Labels: Quotable Quotes
Jun 10, 2010
Do i really have to do this work/job for the next 20 years? I so can't imagine it.. :(
Labels: Ramblings
Jun 6, 2010
Just finished reading Nora Robert's Bed of Roses.. I have to say, this Bride Quartet is one of my favourite non-supernatural books of Nora Roberts.. :)
Jun 5, 2010
May 21, 2010
I went to FRIM, a nearby man-made forest on wed for our team's teambuilding exercise on wed.. it wasnt my first time, so i thot.. no problem.. the hiking part is tiring, but still do-able.. whadayou know.. 15mins into the forest.. i actually step on some unstable rock (on the pathway).. man, that was painful.. but bearable, so i kept going on.. finished my hiking.. had lunch.. even went back to office (as bos told us to..) even tho it was 3pm already.. only after i reached home did my foot starts throbbing.. unsure what to do, i kept rubbing oil (minyak angin) on it..
Apr 6, 2010
Oh no.. i havent update my poor blog for soooo long... hehe.. i've got tons to tell, & nothing to write.. haha.. one of the point of having the blog in the first place was to sort that out actually.. guess not quite working, huh... ? ;)

Do you – or are you even able – to do other things while you read? Do you knit, hold a conversation, keep an eye on the TV? Anything?
Ahaks.. i, unfortunately do do other stuffs when i read.. the main one is usually the tv.. my mum used to be so puzzled as to how i can follow thru both the book & the show's storyline at the same timee.. haha.. but then she's the type who can only concentrate on one thing at a time..
Labels: Musing Monday, reading
Feb 26, 2010
I finally managed to catch the new movie, Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief.. I also just recently finished reading the series, in anticipating of the movie, of course..
Labels: Movie n Tv stuffs, reading
Feb 13, 2010
To all my Chinese friends...........

Graphics for Chinese New year Comments
And all i want for Valentine's Day is for YOU, whom i've yet to meet to........

Jan 14, 2010
Jan 9, 2010
Labels: Movie n Tv stuffs
Jan 1, 2010
Exactly 10 years ago today, (or rather yesterday), i was standing in front of The Eiffel Tower, watching the fireworks & welcoming the New Millennium.. man, that was one of the most memorable new year eve that i've ever had.. we were staying with some friends just outside of Paris & had this brilliant plan for new year.. we would catch a train into Paris on new year's eve, party all nite & catch the earliest train back.. main reason was, there was abt 10 of us & us students couldnt afford an accommodation in Paris.. (well, we were a little cheapskate back then..haha)... plus everything was fully booked for the Y2K celebration..
Anyway, it started out fine.. we arrived in Paris in the afternoon.. we roamed Champs-Élysées.. visited Arc de Triomphe.. had dinner.. just before midnight, we joined the crowd to find the best place to watch the fireworks..
After all those excitement & shouting, we walked past some park around the area & phew.. it was reeking badly of urine.. we didnt think much of it then, but then we realised the reason for it.. ALL the public toilets in Paris was CLOSED down for the celebration.. and i mean every single one of them.. and all the opened restaurants are locked unless you've already made a booking (and if you were in the restaurant before it was locked down).. it was only abt 1-2 am at the time & the train station would only opened at 6.
By the time we reached 3 am, everyone's face was getting a little blue, coz the last time we used a toilet was abt 10pm.. & the weather was seriously cold.. at that point, we practically went begging at some motels along the way, to use their toilet.. i think the 3rd or 4th hotel we begged, they finally took pity on us.. we couldnt thank the man enough until he practically shoved us back into the streets.. haha.. anyway, we didnt know where else to go, so we just loitered outside the train station until it opened. and we werent the only ones.. everyone rushed in as soon as it opened & practically jumped into the train once it arrived...
Anyway, that was a very memorable trip, not just for the new year's eve.. from Paris, we went on to Geneva (we wanted to go to Monte Carlo initially, but didnt have enough money.. ;p).. & stayed over at another friend's place (overlooking the Alps no less) on the way back.. hmm...wished my life is as exciting as it was then.. hahah..
Anyway, here's to the new year, new decade, new you.. !!