Sep 15, 2010

here are some of the dont's that you really should observe during raya (or any gathering for that matter):

- if you came in 10s and 20s, please la do not seat yourself at the 6-seater table. Others wants to eat also, not have your leftovers. Do it buffet style instead la.

- if you came early to the host's house, please3x do NOT finish the food, before the other guests have arrived. even if it is your favorite food. you dont know if the hosts have any second serving of it.
nanti tuan rumah nak jamu apa kat tetamu dia.. ish, buruk betul perangai..

- please do not take all the best food to yourself, without any left for the hosts or other guests. i had a guest who took all the large prawn to herself, when we specifically made the dish to ensure each guest would have 1 large prawn each. adoi..

- we do give out kuih raya to relatives, SOME of course. orang kata buat buah tangan je. bukan la kita nak tolong penuhkan meja orang tuh.. ini gie kasi punya banyak kuih kat 1 person.. kuih raya ni mahal tau... it's not as if the one we have are limitless, nanti nak jamu orang yg dtg rumah lagi.. *pening*

tolong2 la keep your manners in check.. ini, yg laki pun "bongok", yang perempuan pun tak reti (manners).. i cannot imagine bila korang kawin nanti camne.. sigh.. dalam family kitorg takde yg camni tau?


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