Dec 9, 2005

ish.. tadi cam banyak je benda nak tulih but takde masa.. now dah ada depan nie, mind is totally blank la pulak.. ;p

tomorrow will be Miss.Dot's wedding reception.. however since it's gonna be in Kedah, decided that i'm not able to make it all the way..will have to make sure that i make it to her KL reception, which ntah la bila.. cheh, dah la i already missed her engagement ceremony arituh..

Apart from Miss.Best.Friend, she's one of my friend whom i've known the longest.. in fact, i knew her before Miss.Best.Friend.. both of us met on our 1st day of Primary 5 at school, waiting to be assigned to our new classes. Her parents are my parent's friends and they just got back from the states then. Over the years, we stayed pretty much in-touch, more so thru our parents rather than on our own (well, she's not much of a letter/mail-writer..). Had thought that i'd probably be the one to beat her down the aisle, but guess fate didnt planned it that way.. hehe..

Next week another friend is also getting married..

will cont. next time.. already getting a headache - they're telling me that i have to work on Monday (it's a public holiday to those who dont know..)..darn it!!! takde keje lain ke diorg nie???? citt!!


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