Mar 9, 2009

I love to read...

I read just about anything i can get my hand onto really, but given the prices for books over here usually costs me an arm and a leg, i do try to kerb my spending to books which i think (remember, the key word here is think) that is good. Therefore, a book doesnt have to be a bestseller or a great literature piece to be in my list, so who cares if you laugh at my choice of materials. ha ha..

However i do admit that i'm a sucker for fairytales type stories (carryover from my love of enid blyton series), although i've expanded my range to cover a broader subject of the supernaturals eg vampires, timetravelling and the likes. Of course, i cant say that romance novels are not top in my list hehe.., but i do try to fit in other genres as well.

I just completed the Twilight series, hence the slow progress on my current book, Inkheart. I even managed to "recruit" 4 other fans of Twilight at the office.. haha.. plus my other friends who also reads them..

The thing i like about the book is 1) it's about vampires 2) it's an epic love story. 'nuff said. haha..

Actually what i like about the book is even though it's basically targetted for young adult (i consider myself within the age group, you know.. been 17, for a while.. hehe..), the storyline can be enjoyed by any age group. It's a love story, of course, but not mushy, even if some anti-Twilight groupies argues that Bella 'worships' Edward too much. The book may not be high in terms of literature/english-wise, but i think that it's light-enough-yet-not-childish (some chick-lit is worst, in my opinion that is).

And then there's Edward. Perfect, in so many way.. yet can get away with it coz he's a vampire. Not the common vampire at that either. It's refreshing to read of a vampire, which does not follow the common rules... but if there's any flaw to the series, i'd have to say that Stephanie Meyer's version of a vampire is too perfect, especially in Book 4, Breaking Dawn. But otherwise, it's an enjoyable book, of which you will "cair" reading it.. hahah..

Anyway, i'm concentrating on Inkheart now. I think i'd like to live in Mo's house, if possible and can i get a house like Elinor?
Stacks of books were piled high all over the house - not just arranged in near rows on bookshelves, the way other people kept them, oh no! The books in Mo and Meggie's house were stacked under tables, on chairs, in the corners of the rooms. There were books in the kitchen and books in the lavatory. Books on the tv set and in the wardrobe, small pile of books, tall pile of books, books thick and thin, books old and new.

p/s: i do think it's about time i get myself a bookcase. I'm thinking of a narrow type of shelves rather than those normally bulky or deep type of shelving. That way i dont have to double stack my books & i'd be able to see the titles instead of moving them around. Now, the question is where do i find such a thing.. hmmm...


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