Aug 29, 2008

"Having a crush is a euphoric, desperate, compulsive state of being...."
Or at least i've read that somewhere.. hehe.. to me, crushes are so exciting.. it makes your day just to see them.. Especially since your object of interest do not know about it (most of the time.. hehe) ...
There's this guy..
soooo cute..
works in my department..
who's also an acquaintance of mine... hehe..
A few days ago, we had a function at the office.. as usual, i somehow got roped into it.. all for fun, right? as i waited for our turn, had to go check on our music..while trying to cross over to the "dj" area, had a criss cross incident with a girl who's trying to go the opposite way.. somehow i ended up 'falling' onto him, who was leaning on the wall/back row, with the other guys watching the show.. seriously - it was NOT intentional.. hehe.. both of us just laughed it off, of course..
And he look oh so cute today in casual outfit... awww.. :)
p/s: it's only a crush. dont take it too seriously coz i dont. it's not something i want to be real. just a little fantasy to escape the reality.. ahaks..


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