Nov 10, 2004

Hmm.. how do i ensure that i can get out of here by 4? Last year's balik kampung rush, i managed to leave in time before i got stuck.. heard that abt 10mins or so after i left, the LDP was stuck for 1hr or so, due to ppl trying to get across to the highway... so better make sure i wrap up everything before my training session at 3.. so that i can leave after that.. i hope..
Apart from completed these reports & post it, i think the rest can wait till after the hols.. i do not plan to take home my laptop, so ppl better not call me at home during the hols..

anyway, will only be leaving KL with parents tomorrow.. will have to remember to make sure all doors/windows are locked, all eletrical stuff are switched off, must clean out fridge of possible turning-bad stuff, otherwise when i get back here.. yuck.. etc etc etc

Erk.. already 10 to 6 & i'm still here... how to complete ah?


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