Feb 4, 2012
Is it possible to be bored working with people?
to not want to work with people?
Isnt there a job that do not require you to deal much with people? stand alone projects maybe?
i dont mind.
People skills, delegations and follow ups are not my strength.
And at the moment, i am not really looking into improving my weaknesses, even though i know i should.
and i also need to work on NOT being so nice.
Gotta be more assertive & "garang".
errr.. how? that is hard...
and there's so much expectations on being a manager.
on leadership.
on proposal for improvements.
on having your input in just about every single projects.
on keeping others on their toes.
sigh. i know its what i need to do it but...
p/s: another thing. i know i need to pick up/understand transactional process/logic, but i really, really dont like it. i dont mind analysing work. but i admit i'm not very good at the nitty, gritty details. i'm not patient enough. :(