Dec 29, 2011

Happy Birthday to me..

So.. another year has passed. 

Apart from the new job, everything else is still pretty much the same. oh, and i may have gained a few more unwanted pounds.. sob sob.. 

Plans for the day? none so far, apart from loads of work. (god, i sound so pathetic..keke).. i do have the department lunch & secret santa gift to look forward to. Just hope that for once i get some decent presents.. i always get the worst presents ever.. sob sob.. what i wouldnt give to receive a huge bouquet of flowers, like that show on tv just now. even if it was from her brother, not her husband. A girl can only dream, cant she? sigh.. 

If u think you're not making progress, look at where u were a year ago & you'll see how far you've come! :) 


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