Dec 30, 2011

It wasnt too bad today. Had the department lunch at Bangkok House, food's not bad, although quite on the expensive side. I even got myself a very pretty, home-made no-longer-secret santa present from one of the temp staff in my department. Had a whole lot of wishes through FB, although my bro & cousins & besties chose to wish me through sms instead. My cousin Izni decided to treat me with an early dinner (or more like pre-dinner since both of us are still full from lunch), plus a piece of birthday cake (kinda like tiramisu, but not exactly) with candle, before heading back to her mother's. Her sister, Kak Anis was still at home (My aunt baby-sits the grandson so Kak Anis will pick him up after work before heading back to her own house), so both of us Dec29 babies got to celebrate together-gether for a change. ^_^ 

  • December 29 =The Day of High Status
  • Capricorn's born December 29 are often destined to play a leading role in the life around them.
  • Capricorn's born December 29 has a low key sense of humor which is not always noticed or appreciated.
  • Highly intelligent 's born December 29 are able to work both sides of the brain well.”


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