Aug 11, 2011

not sure what is wrong with me..

could be due to the change - new place, new job, new faces.. still trying to absorb it all
could just be due to pms.. hahah..

but i do feel out of sort somehow..

not that i dont like the place, i do. it has potentials.
the job - i can tell they are going easy on me for the moment.
maybe it's just that i was really eager to prove myself, the shock from non-stop working to almost no job/tasks at all.. the mind just cant take it..
so when i did finally have something to do, the mind went blank.

i do have tendencies to.. lack of a better word, slack off a bit at first. not so much coz i dont want to do it or such. just that doing something for the first time, i tend to fumble a little.. like trying to move in the dark kinda thing.. tried to avoid it, but somehow, it repeats itself.. i do get better in time, of course..

Noticed i started to read again? partly coz i have some time on my hand..
Another reason is i'm burying my head in the books, to buy time..
to not face my fears just yet. but i do have to. no one else can do it for me..

is notorious for over analyzing every situation we encounter, so patience is key when dealing with us.
It's hard for a
to bear a situation which we have no control over.
shuts down completely emotionally when stressed.


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