May 18, 2005

Aah.. i just came back from a massage session.. god, i didn't know that my body aches so.. hehe.. my shoulder's the worse.. and rightfully so.. i've been carrying "the world" on it.. ;p

isn't it correct that when a guy is interested, they'd make the effort? well, not including those players, of course.. and that if he's "not into you", you'd 'know' it? at what point do we conclude whether "he's not into you" or that it's too early in the relationship? if only there's somekind of manual as to what to do when such occasions arise.. ;p


  1. Khalid Raffali said...
    dating game has changed a lot since the last time i was in it. u don't have to wait for the guy to make a move. heheh. usually if he's interested he'll pursue. unless he's like the me now. heheh wait aje sampai the girl yg initiate. hahah tobat malas..
    Lilue said...
    Kalau dah tak nak tuh, tak nak jugak.. tak kirala if the girl pursue or wait.. right?
    Khalid Raffali said...
    tak nak mean tak nak la i guess. hehe unless u grow on him la. hehe try la to meet up everyday. carpool hari hari. lunch sama sama. hehe dari tak nak possible jadi nak tau.

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