Jan 12, 2005

Darn it.. wished that i could actually go to Australia, rather than just do this new job from Spore.. hehe.. well, it's good enough that i do get travel at all huh? maybe one of these days... i don't like my job, but i do like my job too.. hehe.. can't seem to make up my mind here.. anyway, just how many people do you know who love theirs? i'll last it out here for as long as i can.. or at least till something better comes up.. hehe..

Wondered what caused the blackout this afternoon, that almost all of Klang Valley got affected? Luckily i was on my way out of lunch already, & not caught in the jam due to no traffic light.. in fact, my lunch partner's wife got caught in the elevator in Putrajaya during the blackout.. at least, only for a few minutes before it started again (must be the backup power..)..but scarily, the door opened to reveal walls, as she was in between floors when it happened...

If we would only dare to slow down long enough to examine why we run life's race at the pace that we do -- which is to win for ourselves all that we can, as fast as possible, with the least amount of pain -- then we would have the bittersweet but self-liberating shock of seeing that most of the very reasons we have for living are the same ones that are killing us.


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