Apr 30, 2009

Which is worse?
Finding a book you love and then hating everything else you try by that author, or
Reading a completely disappointing book by an author that you love?

Now that's a hard one.. I think that it's hard enough to find an author that you love in the first place. At least if it's an author that you like/love, one dissapointing book is in a way, not that bad.. sort of.. but i'd still feel dissapointed though..

But at times, you can't be relying on your favourite author all the time - they might not have any new materials yet.. or their books tend to revolved around the same scenarios, gets boring at times.. which means a new potential-favourite-author-to-be can be a really exciting thing to find.. so to have that "high" taken away from you coz you hate everything else that author wrote.. man, that is worse....


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