Nov 30, 2012

There are a lot of books being made into movies, these days (“Anna Karenina“; etc). So, this week’s musing — courtesy of — asks…
Have you ever read a book after watching the movie/television version only to find that you don’t like the book as much as the adaptation?
I normally do prefer the book version rather than the movie/tv version and i normally have read the book prior to the movie. Some books vs movies goes in a different course than each other, but nevertheless enjoyable either version (for example Harry Potter series). But the one book that i didnt like as much, as compared to the movie was Inkheart. Not sure whether it was because i read the book after watching the movie, but i thought the book was a little long-winded. it was nonetheless, still a pretty good story.. :)

i realised that i've answered a similar question to this before.. hehe
