Nov 13, 2006

Capricorn -Monday, 13th November 2006
Suppose you require a new sofa. Your old one is most uncomfortable. You have to carefully arrange the cushions just to sit down for just a few moments. Should you keep the current piece of furniture until you have a replacement - or should you throw it out? That, more or less makes a metaphor for your current dilemma. You may be far better off with nothing to sit on than with the wrong sort of seat. The latter will encourage you to put up with a poor situation for longer than you should.

Apart from this being a zodiac reading thingy & how u should not believe in it yadda yadda yadda..., it does express exactly what's in my mind right now.. if i follow what my heart says, i'd probably "throw the old sofa" today regardless when i'll get the new one.. but practicality has been drummed into my head since forever, which means that i'll put up with the old one til i get the replacement.. but i so dont want to.. :( at times like this i wished that i'm much more of a risk taker but can't shush away that little voice in my head telling me that i should not be burning my bridges unless i'm sure i can get to the other side safely.. *sigh*

Nov 9, 2006

Hmm..havent written in a long while.. dunno where to start already.. hehe..

OK, let start with the raya stories.. raya was a full house this year.. Abang decided to raya in penang this year, plus both his younger brother/sister... of course, after raya prayers, some salam2 & photo sessions, they left to go beraya with their dad & their dad's side..

Muah had to do some work during the hols tho :(.. altho, time raya, every gets pushed aside la... but of course.. :D had our yearly raya rounds to my mum's aunt/uncles houses on the 1st day, but came 2nd raya, so lazy to go anywhere.. with the rainy season an all.. hehe.. even tho we left for KL on wed, decided not to stop by our 'kampung', instead went straight back home.. did go for a few rounds of beraya with my parents here in kl, but otherwise, stayed home or went shopping instead.. so-the anti-social this year.. ahaks..

I didnt really have time to make anything for raya, but the 1batch of biscuits i made, ada org minat weh..akak tuh siap minta resepi lagi.. hehe.. so can make more la in future.. ahaks.. there's a few stuff i wanted to try out, but didnt have a chance.. plus who's gonna finish it up? ;p

The thing was, since came back from raya.. i think i've been working like 14-15hrs a day.. urgh..including the team building thingy we had last week.. beraya ngan org pun belum ni..
:( hopefully i'm able to take the day off tomorrow.. wish me luck! anyway, got 2 open house to go to this weekend plus the company annual dinner on sunday..
