Oct 20, 2004

Who are you when nobody's watching?
When no one knows what you do, what you think, or what you feel.
You are so much to so many, so who are you to yourself?

Are you exactly the same as you are to the world?
If so, tell me how.
To be so truthful, so real.

When you sit alone.
When you close your eyes.
When you look at that face looking back in the mirror.

What goes through your mind at that moment,
Just between wake and sleep.
What scares you or drives you.

When you stare out the window.
Voices in your head, conversing, arguing.
What are they saying?

There are things nobody knows.
Don't lie.
What are they?

Your insecurities, your true pride.
Your pain and sadness, your joy and gladness.
Your secrets. Your truths.

Watch yourself.
When nobody's watching.


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